Debian Lite

Last Updated on: 25th October 2023, 03:52 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: Italy
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: LXDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Debian
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 7 | April 20, 2015

Debian Lite – a GNU/Linux derivative which is superlight. Based on the Debian with a kernel dedicated to processors with 486 non-PAE architecture, in a short time they made it one of the best derivatives in circulation thanks to its ultra-low power consumption and its magnificent responsiveness.

Debian-Lite Version FINAL:
– Based Debian7
– Kernel 3.2 Arch 486
– Desktop Environment: LXDE
– Display Manager: LightDM
– Ram used at startup: ~62Mb

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