CrunchBang Linux

Last Updated on: 2nd May 2023, 04:26 pm

Web site:
Origin: United Kingdom
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Openbox
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Debian
Wikipedia: CrunchBang Linux
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 11 20130506 (Waldorf) | May 6, 2013
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: CrunchBang Linux

CrunchBang Linux – a Debian based Linux distribution featuring the lightweight Openbox window manager.

CrunchBang offers customized Openbox window manager and pre-installed applications which use the GTK+ widget toolkit.

Previously CrunchBang was based on Ubuntu (9.04), until its support has been ended.
CrunchBang 10 “Statler” was made in February 2011, and was the first version that was based on Debian stable “Sueeze”.
The next (and the last) version of CrunchBang 11 “Waldorf”, was made available on 6 May 2013.

Each CrunchBang Linux release was given a code name, using a name of a Muppet Show character.

The founder and developer of CrunchBang Linux is Philip Newborough.
On 6 February 2015 he officially stopped developing CrunchBang.

There are a few projects which continue the CrunchBang ideas, such as:
– BunsenLabs / Bunsen
– CrunchBangplusplus / #!++
– Crunchbang-Monara

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