
Last Updated on: 10th May 2023, 04:56 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: Belgium
Category: Cluster
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: KNOPPIX
Wikipedia: clusterKNOPPIX
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 3.6 | September 1, 2004

clusterKNOPPIX – a specialized Linux distribution based on the Knoppix distribution, which uses the openMosix kernel.

The main features of clusterKNOPPIX:
– OpenMosix terminal server – uses PXE, DHCP and tftp to boot linux clients via the network
– No cdrom drive/harddisk/floppy needed for the clients
– openMosix autodiscovery – new nodes automatically join the cluster (no configuration needed)
– Cluster Management tools – openMosix userland/openMosixview Every node has root access to every other node via ssh/RSAkeys
– MFS/dfsa support
– Every node can run full blown X (PC-room/demo setup) or console only (more memory available)

The distribution’s developer is Wim Vandersmissen.

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