Last Updated on: 7th August 2023, 07:50 pm

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Category: Server
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86
Based on: FreeBSD
Media: Live
The last version | Released: 1.0.2 | May 2003

BZERK CD – a complete installation of the -current development branch of FreeBSD. No installation required, all you need is a PC with CDRom drive you can boot from and you have a working Unix system. It contains plenty of new features, making it a valuable tool for system rescue administrators.

BZERK CD does not provide a graphical user interface (GUI), it works from a command line only.

It has a lot of new features, making it a valuable rescue tool for system administrators, for example:
– Automatic network detection
– Splash welcome screen
– Netbackup Client
– Tools for Linux filesystems ext2 and ext3

BZERK is making some supplementary customized software and configuration files, making the Bzerk CD useable as a cheap and safe production server, for example:
– ADSL Firewall/router
– Mailserver or MailHUB
– DNS server
– Webserver

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