
Last Updated on: 23rd December 2023, 01:39 pm

Web site:
Category: Rescue
Desktop environment: Openbox
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Ubuntu
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: | December 23, 2023
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Boot-Repair-Disk

Boot-Repair-Disk – an open source rescue disk which can fix many common Windows and Linux boot problems (boot sector, master boot record, GRUB, more). It automatically launches the Boot-Repair application (a one-click repair system) which is used to repair access to operating systems; providing GRUB reinstallation, MBR restoration, file system repair and UEFI, SecureBoot, RAID, LVM, and Wubi support.

The latest live image is based on Ubuntu, with Openbox as a default desktop.
Older version was based on Debian stable, with LXDE desktop environment as default.

– runs automatically Boot-Repair rescue tool at start-up
– light environment in order to repair even old PCs with little RAM
– reinstall and update GRUB (1 and 2)
– purge GRUB
– choice to place GRUB in MBR or partition
– restore generic Windows (XP, Vista, Seven) MBR (other tools I know don’t work with Vista/Seven)
– restore original MBR (required when computer has MBR-tatoo)
– auto detect separate /boot
– detect RAID, GPT EFI
– compatible Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives
– can be used in live-CD, live-USB and installed session (see )
– compatible whatever the architectures (32/64bits) of OS detected on the pc
– automatically solve several GRUB/Wubi bugs
– generate BootInfoScript report (automatically uses the very last script) in 1 click
– repair filesystems (Linux and windows)

The Boot-Repair tool is also pre-installed in Linux Secure Remix distribution.

After 9 years of break, a new version showed up in December 2023.

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