Last Updated on: 24th August 2023, 01:33 pm

Web site: os.vidalinux.org (not active)
Origin: Puerto Rico
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: GNOME
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Gentoo
Media: Live
The last version | Released: 2.2 beta2 | November 26, 2010

VLOS (VidaLinux) – a Linux distribution based on Gentoo.

VLOS uses the Red Hat Anaconda installer to make it easier for end users to install it on a hard drive, with GNOME as a default desktop environment.

The purpose of VLOS is to make the Linux operating system more accessible to home and office users. It combines the power of ebuilds and portage and compiling all software from source (aside from a select few larger ones, which are available in binary) into an easy-to-use package.

In December 2009, VLOS has been rebuilt with Funtoo, a fork of Gentoo Linux.

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