
Last Updated on: 11th June 2023, 11:31 am

Web site:
Origin: France
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Openbox
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Fedora
Wikipedia (FR): Viperr
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 9 | August 15, 2016
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Viperr

Viperr – a Linux distribution which aims to merge CrunchBang qualities with a Fedora base benefits. It is a lightweight, useful, simple, and original live media, with brand new but stable software.

Viperr offers a set of preinstalled applications, such as:
– terminal: Terminator
– file manager: Thunar
– www browser: Firefox
– email: Thunderbird
– IM: Pidgin
– torrent: Transmission
– Ftp/SSH: Gftp i Gigolo
– multiplayer: VLC
– calendar: Orage
– text processor: Abiword
– graphics: Gimp
– text editor: Geany
– package manager: dnf
– RPM Fusion free and non-free repository
– script letting install LibreOffice, printer support, Flash, Chrome, etc…

Viperr project has been started by DarthWound, and then been developed by Frédéric Thouin and Bryce Simon.

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3 thoughts on “Viperr”

  1. Hello.

    Official site is having some SSL problem but distribution is still alive :

    Last version ? Viperr 9, back in august 2016.


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