
Last Updated on: 26th July 2023, 01:08 pm

Web site: taprobane.org (not active)
Origin: Sri Lanka
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Debian
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 0.4.2 | October 31, 2005

Taprobane GNU/Linux – a live-CD desktop GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian with a focus on convenience of use.

The live CD was built by a group of developers at the Lanka Linux User Group (LKLUG).
The “Taprobane” means an ancient name for Sri Lanka, also known as Ceylon.
The latest version of of Taprobane GNU/Linux 0.4.2 was released in 2005.

The screenshot source is tuxmachines.org, released under CC-BY-SA license.

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