

Web site: obscurix.github.io Origin: unknown Category: Specialist Desktop environment: Xfce Architecture: x86_64 Based on: Arch Linux Wikipedia: Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: 0.3.1 Alpha | January 4, 2020 Zobacz po polsku: Obscurix Obscurix – a live operating system based on Arch Linux that is heavily configured for privacy, security and anonymity. It … Read more



Web site: bitbucket.org/danielbarry/saxoperatingsystem Origin: unknown Category: Others Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86 Based on: MikeOS Wikipedia: Media: Install The last version | Released: 2.0.2 | September 27, 2014 Zobacz po polsku: SAX OS SAX OS ($AX Operating System) – an experiment to show if an Operating System (OS) can be both small and provide a … Read more



Web site: crank123.github.io/AquariusOS.html (not active) Origin: unknown Category: Others Desktop environment: TUI Architecture: x86 Based on: Mike OS Wikipedia: Media: Live The last version | Released: 0.0.4 | May 2009 Zobacz po polsku: AquariusOS AquariusOS – an open source, 32-bit OS, based on Mike OS. It is written in the BASIC and Assembly programming languages. … Read more



Web site: baserock.org Origin: unknown Category: workstation Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86, x86_64, ARMv7 Based on: independent Wikipedia: Media: install The last version | Released: 15.47 | December 2015 Baserock – an open source project which lets you build custom appliance systems with Linux. The project started in 2011 with a release of v1.1 “Secret … Read more

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