Tablix on Morphix

Last Updated on: 26th July 2023, 01:28 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: Slovenia
Category: Clusters
Desktop environment: GNOME
Architecture: x86
Based on: Morphix
Media: Live
The last version | Released: 0.0.1 | April 2004

Tablix on Morphix – a bootable CD based Linux distribution with automatic cluster configuration. This means that all you need for a functioning PVM3 cluster is a bunch of computers and a pile of Tablix on Morphix CDs. You just have to boot the master node of the cluster from the CD, click a few options on the screen, then boot as many slave nodes as you want and click OK on each.

What is Tablix?
Tablix is a powerful free software kernel implementing a parallel genetic algorithm. It can be used to solve a large subset of discreet multivariable optimization problems, but is specially optimized for timetabling. Because of its modular design it is relatively simple to adapt Tablix to needs of a specific organization. Coarse-grained parallel algorithm can also fully exploit any multi-processor machine that supports PVM3 – from modern multi-core CPUs to clusters of low-end machines connected by a local area network. Specifically this means most users will want to use Tablix on Linux or another UNIX-like operating system.

Tablix on Morphix comes preinstalled with all programs that are needed for solving timetable problems with Tablix. Some of the software available on the CD:
– mlview, gedit, vim (for editing Tablix XML configuration)
– mozilla (for previewing generated timetables! )
– ggv (for reading documentation)
– most of GNOME desktop environment

Version 0.0.1 is the first experimental release of this project.

The project developer is Tomaz Solc.

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