
Last Updated on: 15th October 2023, 11:18 am

Web site:
Origin: Germany
Category: Embedded, Mobile, Others
Desktop environment: GUI
Architecture: x86, PowerPC
Based on: µnOS
Media: Install
The last version | Released: 1.2 | October 22, 2006

Symobi (“System for mobile applications”) – a modern and mobile OS. It is based on the µnOS operating system which incorporates the Sphere microkernel. Symobi offers a complete graphical OS environment with services, a graphical user interface, standard programs, and drivers. The operating system is designed for the use in embedded and mobile systems, but is also suitable for other purposes.

Symobi is platform independent by architecture. Hence, it can be deployed on all modern processor architectures. Nevertheless, there is some work to do to really port Symobi to a new hardware platform. But this work is easy to do since only platform specific mechanisms (e.g. MMU) have to be implemented. There are no architectural changes to be made and there is no higher level programming work to do. As a result, Symobi can be ported to a new platform within weeks and to another processor model of an already supported platform within days. This basic ability of Symobi is liked a lot by our customers since it allows them to choose the hardware they really want and need for their application instead of having to choose a hardware fitting the RTOS used.

Valuable Abilities:
– real-time
– small size/footprint
– high provable stability/reliability
– simplicity
– high performance
– small, efficient API
– embeddable

Modern Features:
– multi-core/multi-processor support
– multi-platform
– client/server architecture
– isolated hardware driver architecture
– light-weight multithreading & multitasking
– strongly protected process spaces
– wide-range scalability

Supported Hardware:
– x386 / IA32
– ARM / XScale
– PowerPC

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