
Last Updated on: 10th May 2023, 05:11 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: KDE, Xfce
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Debian unstable “Sid”
Wikipedia: Aptosid
Media: Live CD/DVD
The last version | Released: 2010-01 | June 14, 2010
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: aptosid

sidux – a Linux distribution based on the unstable branch of Debian GNU/Linux, code name “Sid”.

sidux offers a custom kernel with support for many modern hardware devices, a rolling release cycle, and a collection of tools and scripts to make desktop administration easier. It uses a true ‘rolling-release-cycle’, and thus continues to remain current.

The system was shipped as bootable live CD with KDE (lite) or Xfce desktop environments and KDE (full) DVD media as well. Sidux can be installed on a hard or USB flash drive via the sidux live installer.

On the beginning, sidux was under management by The sidux Foundation, Inc. located in USA. The management was moved to a non-profit organization – sidux e.V. which is located in Berlin, Germany.

In September 2010, the sidux project was re-named to aptosid.
The last version of sidux 2010-01 was released in June 2010.

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