
Last Updated on: 15th May 2023, 01:59 pm

Web site: dirk.eddelbuettel.com/quantian.html
Origin: USA
Category: Scientific
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Knoppix
Wikipedia: Quantian
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: | February 26, 2006

Quantian – a remastering of Knoppix, the self-configuring and directly bootable cdrom/dvd that turns any pc or laptop (provided it can boot from cdrom/dvd) into a full-featured Linux workstation. Quantian also incorporates clusterKnoppix and adds support for openMosix, including remote booting of light clients in an openMosix terminal server context.

The main goal of the Quantian is a pre-instaled set of scientific applications, such as:
– R, statistical computing software
– Octave, a Matlab clone
– Scilab, another Matlab clone
– GSL, GNU Scientific Library
– Maxima computer algebra system
– Python programming language with Scipy
– Fityk curve fitter
– Ghemical
– Texmacs for wysiwyg scientific editing
– Grass geographic information system
– OpenDX and MayaVi data visualisation systems
– Gnuplot, a command-line driven interactive data and function plotting utility
– LabPlot, an application for plotting of data sets and functions

Quantian features the KDE desktop environment and some applications for home users:
– XMMS, Kaffeine, xine media players
– KPPP dialer, ISDN utilities and WLAN
– Firefox and Konqueror web browsers
– K3b, for CD (and DVD) management
– Tools for data rescue and system repair
– Network analysis and administration tools
– OpenOffice.org, Kile, Lyx

The system developer is Dirk Eddelbuettel.
The latest version of Quantian was released in 2006.

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