
Last Updated on: 1st June 2023, 06:32 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: Portugal
Category: Security
Desktop environment: Fluxbox
Architecture: x86
Based on: Ubuntu
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: ONE | September 10, 2007

Protech – an Ubuntu based, a specialist Linux distribution designed primarily for security technicians and programmers.

Protech uses Fluxbox window manager as its default desktop and offers a great variety o security tools of diagnostics, benchmarking, backup, rescue, recovery, enumeration, password cracking, sniffing, scanning and analyzing.

The live CD contains tools, such as:
– Cisco: Asleap, Cisco Exploiter, Yersinia
– Database: HackerStorm, Blind SQL injection, HTTP SQL Bruteforce, Metacoretex, SQL Inject
– Oracle: Metacoretex, OAT
– Aquiring: DCFLDD, DD, DD_Rescue
– Dns: Dig, DNSWalk, DNS Enum, Host
– Google: Finger Google, Google Mail Enum, Gooscan, Google Search
– Misc: P0f
– Samba: NBTScan, Samba Enum
– SMTP: Relay Scanner, SMTP Vrfy
– SNMP: SNMP Enum, Snmpwalk, Senmpset, Snmpget
– WWW: ISR Forms, L1st URLs, Paros Proxy
– Exploits: Metasploit Framework 2.7, Milw0rm, Exploit Tree (Several Tools)
– Analysis: Autopsy
– File Carving: Foremost
– Fuzzers: Bed, Pirana, Clfuzz
– Password Attacks: Rainbow Crack, Hash Collision, John, Ophcrack, Samdump2, THC PPTP, Hydra
– Port Scanners: Amap, Nmap, Nmapfe, Onesixtyone
– Vuln. Scanners: Nessus, Nikto
– VPN: IKE Scan, PSK Crack, Hamachi VPN, OpenVPN, VNC server
– Sniffers: Driftnet, Dsniff, Wireshark, Ettercap, Mailsnarf, SSHMITM, SSHow, URLsnarf, Filesnarf, Msgsnarf
– Spoofing: ARNSpoof, DNSSpoof, Ettercap, Yersinia
– Wireless: Wiscan, FakeAP, Kismet, Aireplay, Airsnort, Cowpatty, Aircrack, Air Decap, Airmon, Airodump

Protech ONE is based on Ubuntu 7.04.

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