PCLinuxOS WM Gamer

Last Updated on: 9th October 2023, 05:04 pm

Web site: sourceforge.net/projects/pclinuxos-wm-gamer/
Category: Game
Desktop environment: WindowMaker
Architecture: x86
Based on: PCLinuxOS
Media: Live
The last version | Released: | September 18, 2015

PCLinuxOS WM Gamer – a PCLinuxOS based Linux distribution which features the WindowMaker window manager as the default desktop ans a large set of preinstalled games.

It uses WindowMaker because of it’s beauty and speed. This version also has LXDE installed to give it extra usability.

You will need 1GB Ram for Live CD or can install. Need 16GB HDD or SSD space to install. This is a gamer edition but has additional programs.

There are also more games and more software available from the repos using synaptic. Additional info available from desktop at startup.

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