
Last Updated on: 4th May 2023, 03:43 pm

Web site: pcfluxboxos.wikidot.com
Category: Desktop, Mini distribution
Desktop environment: Fluxbox
Architecture: x86
Based on: PCLinuxOS
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 1.0 | November 2, 2007

PCFluxboxOS – a live Linux distribution based on PCLinuxOS, and shipped with Fluxbox window manager as the default desktop.

PCFluxboxOS is very lightweight and fast live CD, offered in a two versions: TinyFlux and MidiFlux. Both contains Fluxbox and some tools borrowed from PCLinuxOS, such as: Control Center, Synaptic package manager, live installer, system remastering tool.

TinyFlux features some pre-installed applications for every purpose:
– File managers: Thunar, Emelfm, XArchiver
– Net: Netscape Navigator and Dillo web browsers, Sylpheed email client,
– Multimedia: Brasero burning tool, Audacious audio player, Wmix volume control
– Office: Abiword, Evince, Gcalculator, medit, Leafpad, nano, vim, xedit
– Graphics: Gthumb, mtPaint

MidiFlux is a little bigger than TinyFlux and features some more pre-installed applications.

The author of the distro is ‘iainrj’.
The live system’s user:password is guest:guest and root:root
PCFluxboxOS was under development in 2007.

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