
Last Updated on: 24th May 2023, 01:24 pm

Web site: damnsmallbsd.org/OliveBSD/
Origin: France
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: IceWM
Architecture: x86
Based on: OpenBSD
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 3.8 | February 18, 2006

OliveBSD – a LiveCD based on OpenBSD 3.8 with graphical environment and various software.

OliveBSD includes the following software:
– IceWM Window manager
– ROX-filer File manager
– SciTE Text Editor
– Mozilla Firefox Web browser
– Mozilla Thunderbird E-mail application suite
– Gimp Image Manipulation Program
– Gaim Multi-protocol instant messaging client (AIM, ICQ, MSN Messenger, Yahoo, IRC, Jabber, Gadu-Gadu, Novell GroupWise, and Zephyr networks)
– Xchat Irc client
– XMMS Multimedia player
– Abs Spreadsheet
– Xpdf PDF viewer
– Ghostview PostScript viewer
– Xtar Program for viewing and manipulating tar archives
– AxYftp Ftp client
– CD-Rchive CD creation software
– TightVNC viewer Client for remote desktop access

The project developer is Gabriel Paderni.

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