NetSecL OS

Last Updated on: 15th May 2023, 02:15 pm

Web site:
Origin: Bulgaria
Category: Forensics
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86_64
Based on: openSUSE
Wikipedia (PL): NetSecL OS
Media: Live USB
The last version | Released: 6.0 | September 27, 2015
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: NetSecL OS

NetSecL OS – a security focused Linux distribution based on openSUSE.

NetSecL OS is a penetration testing distribution with the lightweight Xfce window manager, the hardened Linux kernel with grsecurity patches, a set of rules that allows for more extensive system auditing and protects you from stack overflows by making them non executable.

The system includes several penetration tools, such as:
– Metasploit framework
– packet sniffer Wireshark
– network monitor EtherApe
– Open Vulnerability Assessment System OpenVas
– port scanning Nmap
– security reconnaissance Skipfish
– password manager KeePassX

Additional packages included in the OS are: text editor Abiword, FTP client FileZilla and Wine, to run Windows programs in Unix.

Up to version 3.0 NetSecL OS was based on Slackware Linux, then switched to openSUSE as its base.
Up to version 6 NetSecL OS was a penetration testing distribution.
On the beginning of 2016, NetSecL OS changed its profile to a general purpose desktop oriented distribution, with a new name URIX OS.

The distribution developer is Yuriy Stanchev.

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