
Last Updated on: 6th May 2023, 01:59 pm

Web site: n00bix.outworlds.de
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Enlightenment
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Debian
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 2 | June 27, 2014

n00bix – a Linux distribution built on the top of Debian with Enlightenment 17 desktop.

n00bix uses a lightweight Enlightenment 17 window manager as its default desktop which makes the operating system fast and light. n00bix works in Live mode and can be installed on a hard drive.

The latest version of n00bix 2 is based on Debian GNU/Linux “Jessie”.

The live system contains a set of pre-installed applications for every purpose, as well as 3th party apps, such as:
– Network: FileZilla, Geary Mail, Google Chrome, Google Earth, Skype, Transmission, XChat
– Multimedia: VLC, Xfburn, Googgles Music Manager, Spofity
– Office: LibreOffice, Adobe Reader
– Graphics: Gimp, GNU Paint, ImageMagic, Scribus, Shotwell
– Games: Steam, PlayOnLinux
– Others: ClamTK, luckyBackup, Tux Commander, Synaptic, GParted, OpenJDK Java, BleachBit, Unetbootin, PCManFM

The founder and developer of n00bix is Anthony F. McInerney.

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