
Last Updated on: 10th August 2023, 04:12 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: China
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: AfterStep, Awesome, Blackbox, Cinnamon, Enlightenment, Fluxbox, FLWM, FVWM, IceWM, Ion, JWM, KDE, LXDE, MATE, Openbox, PekWM, Ratpoison, WindowMaker, Xfce
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Debian unstable “Sid”
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: Adipositas | July 20, 2016
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: LinuxBBQ

LinuxBBQ – a Linux distribution based on the unstable branch of Debian “Sid”, which features a Linux kernel and tools from the Siduction, Grml and Linux Mint distributions. LinuxBBQ offers system versions with various desktops (from aewm to xmonad) and various variants of settings for individual desktops. System releases do not have numbers, but assigned names for individual desktops.

LinuxBBQ also offers a set of scripts for self-construction of iso images based on any version of LinuxBBQ, after own modification. The packages are installed and updated with the debian package manager APT from the Debian and LinuxBBQ repositories.

LinuxBBQ Gangbang contains 76 “light” window managers that are available in live mode: tmux, 2bwm, 2wm, 9wm, aewm, afterstep, ahwm, alopex, amiwm, antiwm, awesome, blackbox, bspwm, catwm, clfswm, ctwm, cwm, dminiwm, drafonflywm, dwm, echinus, enlightenment, euclid-wm, evilpoison, evilwm, fluxbox, flwm, fvwm-crystal, goomwwm, hwwm, herbustluftwm, i3, icewm, jwm, karmen, larswm, lwm, matwm2, mwwm, monsterwm, musca, notion, nwm, olwm, openbox, oroborus, pekwm, ratpoison, sapphire, sawfish, sithwm, smallwm, snapwm, spectrwm, sscrotwm, stumpwm, subtle, tfwm, tinywm, tritium, twm, uwm, vtwm, w9wm, weewm, wind, windowlab, wm2, window maker, wmfs, wmii, wmx, xfwm4 , xmonad, xoat, yeahwm.

LinuxBBQ also offers more popular desktops, pre-installed on separate iso images, such as KDE, LXDE, e17, Xfce, MATE, Cinnamon, Openbox, TDE, etc.

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