
Last Updated on: 6th May 2023, 02:04 pm

Web site: kuliax.net
Origin: Indonesia
Category: Education
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Debian
Wikipedia (id): Kuliax
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 7.0 | August 23, 2010

Kuliax – a Debian GNU/Linux based distribution for higher education. It is a distribution for education in Universities, especially Program Studi Teknologi Informasi (TITANIUM) or correlating like Teknik Elektro (TEE) concentration of Computer system and Informatika, Teknik Informatika (TF), Computer science (IK), and others.

Kuliax is based on Debian stable and Debian Live, with backports.org packages, custom packages maintained for the distribution target. The custom packages include artwork, electronic books, programs that needed by Kuliax but are not in Debian repo yet, optimized Linux kernel for desktop, and distro specific packages. It also uses various customized Knoppix & Kanotix scripts for the LiveCD.

There are pre-installed applications such as:
– Development: Geany, Glade, SQLite, Umbrello
– Education: KRWard, tkgate, gResistor, KTechlab, RKWard
– Graphics: Gimp, Gwenview, KGhostView, KPDF
– Internet: Iceweasel, KMail, Konqueror, Krdc, Pidgin
– Office: FreeMind, Kivio, KNotes, OpenOffice.org
– Others: Samba, OpenJDK, File Sharing, GParted, Synaptic, Yakuake, Kate, KWriter

The last version of Kuliax 7.0 is based on Debian “Lenny” and was released in 2010.

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