
Last Updated on: 1st June 2023, 10:51 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: Germany
Category: Education
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Mandriva
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 3.03 | January 8, 2010

KinderTux – an operating system with educational programs and games for children between 3 and 12 years.

To simplify the use of KinderTux the user kindertux will be logged in automatically. If a password for the user kindertux is required then it is kindertux. Most applications are directly available in the application bar at the lower edge of the screen. KinderTux offers a protection for the Internet, only activated sites (whitelist) can be browsed. This whitelist can be simply edited and sites can be added or taken away.
For the installation on USB sticks or non-removable harddisks there are additional tools available. It is also possible the create a “Container” to save data from a live session.

For administrative tasks (configurations, installation) you will need the root or su password. This password is lerntux in the original system and should be changed right after installation.

KinderTux offers some possibilities for the further use. These auxiliary applications are available with the icon “Configure your computer”:
– Installation on your internal harddisk
– Installation on a USB stick
– Container (on harddisk or USB stick) to store all your changes while running as live system
– Child protection for the Internet

At this time these applications are only available in German.

KinderTux is based on and fully compatible to Mandriva Linux 2010.0. That means all applications (packages) for Mandriva Linux 2010.0 can also be used with this system.

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