
Last Updated on: 4th June 2023, 12:26 pm

Web site: kaella.linux-azur.org
Origin: France
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Knoppix
Wikipedia (FR): Kaella
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 3.2 | September 19, 2007

Kaella (Knoppix Linux Azur) – a GNU/Linux operating system in the form of LiveCD with full support for French language. It is a remastered Knoppix, the Debian-based LiveCD distribution. Kaella was created in 2004 by Yann Cochard, who maintained it until 2007.

Kaella is a complete operating system, supplied with all software required for a standard use: web browser, messaging, office suite, multimedia players (pictures, photos, sounds, video), games, etc. are available and can be used directly without any prior of knowledge. To use it, simply boot the computer with the CD-ROM.

The live system is very useful for computer beginners who would like to try a GNU/Linux operating system because it is easy to use, specially for French users.

The DVD media features many pre-installed applications, such as: KDE desktop environment, Amarok, Blender, Dia, Emacs, Evolution, Inkscape, Qcad, Qemu, Scribus, XMMS, games, OpenOffice.org, IceWeasel, IceDove, GCompris, Tuxpaint, etc.

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