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Origin: USA
Category: Workstation
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: Intel 8080/8085
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Wikipedia: ISIS_(operating_system)
Media: Install
The last version | Released: unknown

ISIS (Intel Systems Implementation Supervisor) – operating system developed by Intel for the Intel 8080/8085 microprocessor family. It was originally developed by Ken Burgett and Jim Stein under the management of Steve Hanna and Terry Opdendyk for the Intel Microprocessor Development System.

The ISIS-II system is a single-program disk operating system consisting essentially of a set of procedures enabling the uniform treatment of external devices. The single-program system means that only one task can be performed at a time. A request to perform a specific operation suspends the execution of the ordering subroutine until the execution of the called system or program procedure is completed.

The primary use of this system was to create system and application software, as well as compilers, using the implementations of programming languages available in the system, including the ASM-80 assembler, the PL/M-80 language compiler, and others, e.g. Fortran.

ISIS-II is an operating system for the Intellec development systems:
– Intellec Series II Microcomputer Development Systems
– Intellec Microcomputer Development System

ISIS-II supports all models of Intellec systems with one or more single- or double-density disk drives and at least 32K of RAM.
The Intellec systems support both software and hardware program development. In conjunction with ISIS-II, they provide the environment for software development, testing and debugging. You can execute your assembly language code on the development system during the logic debugging phase (simulating any specialized 1/0 used in your product). When you add the appropriate In-Circuit Emulator you can execute and debug your code for all In-Circuit Emulator supported processor families.

ISIS-II supports the following peripheral devices:
– Universal PROM programmer
– Line prInter
– Paper tape reader
– Paper tape punch
– CR T terminals
– Flexible disk drives
– Hard disk drives

Additionally, you can attach non-standard 110 devices for which you have written drivers. This flexibility, along with the functions provided in the ISIS-II operating system, makes your Intellec system a complete microcomputer development system.

ISIS-II provides the functions to manage your programs and data and assemble your assembly language code. You can add the PL/M and FORTRAN compilers and other assemblers to ISIS-II.

To manage your programs and data ISIS-II provides:
– A text editor to create and change files. The text editor automatically keeps a copy of the unchanged version of a file when you make changes. The editor has commands to handle single characters and large numbers of lines.
– A function to delete whole files that are no longer needed
– Functions to convert program object code to and from hexadecimal formats
– A function to copy files
– A function to change the name of files
– A function to work with file attributes
– Functions to combine program parts into complete functional systems
– A feature to list all files, their length, and their attributes
– A feature to invoke system calls under pseudo-batch operation

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