Last Updated on: 20th May 2023, 03:51 pm

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Origin: USA
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86
Based on: FreeDOS
The last version | Released:

GLaDOS – Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System is an operating system for personal computers. Inspired by the fictional artificial intelligence GLaDOS from Valve’s Portal video game series, this operating system is a fully functional replica of the operating system from the games based on the FreeDOS operating system.

GLaDOS is based on FreeDOS 1.0, a free and open-source operating system developed as a replacement for Microsoft DOS (MS-DOS), and both FreeDOS and GLaDOS can run programs intended for MS-DOS. Popular programs such as Fallout 1, Microsoft Word, Doom, Lotus 1-2-3, and more run flawlessly under GLaDOS without emulation.

– Drivers for Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device
– 4DOS command line for improved command-line functionality
– XCDROM and SHSUCDX to add support for CD drives
– Remote control support for Aperture Science Sentry Turrets
– DOSLFN 0.41 to add Windows Long File Name support
– CuteMouse 2.1 Beta 4 for programs that require mouse

GLaDOS is capable of running on any Intel 80386 CPU (or higher) PC with 512KB of RAM, and is available as a bootable floppy image or a bootable CD.

The project developer was Corbin Davenport.

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2 thoughts on “GLaDOS”

    • There is one on source forge (

      *At first I thought it was pretty funny that they made GLa-DOS IRL LOL!


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