
Last Updated on: 4th June 2023, 12:20 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: Ukraine
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86
Based on: Gentoo
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 0.6 | September 14, 2005

GentooTH – a Gentoo based Russian/Ukrainian Linux distribution designed to run from a CD/USB device.

The live media contains approximately 600 packages of various categories, such as: system, multimedia, server and development tools.
It works on Linux kernel 2.6 and offers XFCE and WindowMaker window managers.

If there is 1 GB of RAM or more, it is possible to load the root filesystem and/or system settings into RAM memory.
The live system has an automatic detection equipment via hwsetup and ddcxinfo-knoppix.
Proprietary drivers are enabled for graphics cards of NVIDIA and ATI.

Here is a short list of popular programs preinstalled as default: mozilla firefox, mozilla thunderbird, SIM, psi, xmms, mplayer, xine, gimp (+ gimp-print), gqview, stardict (+ EN <-> EN dictionaries), abiword, gnumeric, lftp, gftp, xsmbbrowser, xcdroast, apache, squid, bind, vsftp, proftp, Samba, nfs-utils, xchat, irssi, mc-mp, iptables, wvdial, bluez-utils, wine, DDD, nmap, ethereal, minicom, pptpclient, pptpd, gnuplot, imagemagic, sane, OpenSSH, slrn, mutt, cups, vim, emacs, tcpdump.

The project developer is Alex Zorg and other contributors.

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