FreeBSD LiveCD

Last Updated on: 6th August 2023, 11:54 am

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Origin: Brazil
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86
Based on: FreeBSD
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 1.2.4 | November 24, 2003

FreeBSD LiveCD – a set of tools designed to enable anyone to generate their personally adapted to FreeBSD Live CD. Its begin was in the October 5th of 2001, at the time where FUGSPBR (FreeBSD User Group, SP, Brazil) distributed an ISO image with a fully functional FreeBSD 4.4-STABLE LiveCD, that would allow one to access a number of partition types (since FreeBSD native to Linux and even DOS partitions), build a fully operating Firewall, allow networking flow via NAT, working as router and a number of other issues.

The main subject was to create a tool that would allow us a safe diagnostic method, under emergency environments and specially as a rescue disk where FreeBSD partitions could only be accessed (mounted) externally.

The FreeBSD Project officially distribute a “Live” disk, under most circunstances we needed some more functional tool, that could be run directly from an optic drive (CD) without any other intermediate resource.

FreeBSD LiveCD has been used under many situations, where the most usual are Rescue Disk, Desktop, FreeBSD System demonstration at some computing specific shows, Firewalls, Wireless Bridges, Wired Gateways and, the main issue is that, as you can make a fully custom version, you can use a LiveCD under any environment you wish.

The live system user name is: root (with no password).

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