
Last Updated on: 4th June 2023, 12:53 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Education
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Slax
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 3.0.2 | February 6, 2007

EDU-Nix – a complete computer Operating System that runs off of a Compact Disc instead of being installed onto the computer’s hard drive. EDU-Nix is based upon Slax Linux Live CD and the K Desktop Environment.

EDU-Nix aims to provide Public Schools with Open-Source alternatives to expensive proprietary software products. The project will consist initially of a redistributable CD that has both a live CD environment, as well as Windows versions of the office and productivity programs.

By ensuring that all students and faculty have equal access to high-quality Free Software, EDU-Nix will help to bridge the digital divide in American schools, allowing students access to the same software they use at school wherever they can get computer time.

EDU-Nix also contains installation programs for ABI Word Processor, Tux Paint & Stamps, Tux Typing 2 and Tux of Math Command, Scribus Desktop Publishing, in addition to the GCompris and Childsplay Suites of Educational Games for Children: All Free Software for Windows.

EDU-Nix contains numerous Educational, Office Productivity and Internet programs within a portable, Live CD Environment. You can access the EDU-Nix desktop on any PC that can boot from CD, bringing your system with you wherever you go.

EDU-Nix is Free Software, meaning school districts may legally copy and redistribute the system to students and faculty.

(“EEE-DEE-YOU-NIX”) is the merging of two technological ⁄ educational terms – The first term, “EDU”, is derived from the word Education as well as from the “.edu” top level domain assigned to schools and universities on the world wide web.
The second term, “Nix”, is a common reference to Linux and Unix (often referred to as *nix) since the system is based on Slax Linux and uses various open source Free Software projects such as KDE and
Combining the terms, we have a “Nix” distribution designed for the “EDU” sector: EDU-Nix.

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