Distro Astro

Web site: distroastro.org (not active)
Origin: unknown
Category: Specialist
Desktop environment: MATE
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Ubuntu
Wikipedia: Distro Astro
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 3.0.2 | 2015

Distro Astro – an Ubuntu based Linux distribution targeted towards astronomers and astronomy enthusiasts.

It features the MATE desktop, popular, daily usage applications, and a set of apps for astronomy enthusiasts, such as: XEphem, Astronomy Lab 2, AstroCC Coordinate Converter, Cartes du Ciel, or SkyGlobe, KStars, a telescope control, supporting most common telescopes, thanks to INDI libs, from Celestron, Meade, Orion, and many other tools.

Nightshade, Stellarium, Celestia and OpenUniverse will provide you with an impressive graphic presentation of the sky. All programs work with projector.

Astrophotographic – we have wxAstroCapture, GCX Astro-Image Processor, Iris and Registax at our disposal. There are programs such as StarStaX, Regim, Theli to install from the OS repositoryas well.

Data analysis – The most scientific piece of software you can find in this distribution. Lots of shows that have gained worldwide recognition and are respected in circles. IRAF, XGTerm, XImtool, SAOImage DS9, Orsa – people interested in the subject will certainly find a use for them, others will be overwhelmed by the multitude of parameters and data that these programs can process. As if that wasn’t enough, version 2.0 will also include AstroPy, PyFITS, PyWCS, VOTable and Novas.

Distro Astro includes the PP3 program that allows you to generate high-quality sky maps (in TeX format – the distribution includes a PDF conversion tool).

The first version of Distro Astro was released on 1 January 2013. Technically, Distro Astro comes from the Mint 13 Maya distribution. Thus, affinity with Ubuntu LTS ensures long-term support.

The Astro Distro screenshot source: Wikipedia; License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

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1 thought on “Distro Astro”

  1. could not find this iso on the net anymore even their website the download button doesnt work.
    do you know where to get this iso?


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