
Last Updated on: 6th November 2023, 04:12 pm

Web site:
Origin: United Kingdom
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: LXDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Debian
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 2011.1 beta | May 1, 2011

DebXPde (previously: Barnix) – a Debian based Linux distribution which features a lightweight LXDE desktop environment and a small collection of preinstalled applications.

The project developers are Ryan Gosnold and Michael West.

Their first open source adventure was Barnix, this was done whilst Ryan and Michael were studing at Barnfield Technology College. The Idea for Barnix came whilst they were sitting in one of their Linux lesson during there Foundation Degree it was apparent that a number of the attendees just weren’t grasping the Operating System.

Whilst looking around Google for ways to customize the KDE environment to look similar to Windows XP we (developers) stumbled across XPde, at the time it was version 0.3.5 and was based around Windows XP Classic theme, we thought this was great and within a week we had integrated it our Knoppix remaster called Barnix 0.0.1.

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