Cool Linux CD

Last Updated on: 12th July 2023, 04:55 pm

Web site:
Origin: Russia
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: IceWM
Architecture: x86
Based on: Fedora
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 2.3 | September 17, 2003

Cool Linux CD – a bootable CD with Linux operating system, containing a 2.4 kernel and many free software packages.

New features of version 2.3:
– Kernel 2.4.20-wolk and 2.4.22 with supermount, squashfs, shfs patches and ALSA 0.9.6 drivers;
– Ability to choose a version of linux kernel and parameters for FrameBuffer and XFree86 (resolution);
– Save and restore your system configuration on floppy;
– Restore configuration from another session on CoolLinuxCD (in multissesion mode);
– Writing the CD-RW disks with CDRW device (if not a boot drive);
– Ability to choose the interface language during the bootup process (currently only English and Russian languages are supported);
– Autodetects all hardware and autoconfigures XFree86;
– USB mouse and keyboard support;
– IceWM window manager with ROX-filer as desktop and file manager;

For login need input “root” name with no password.
Rus/Lat switch by RightCtrl-Shift key in console and any Ctrl-Shift in X11.

If you want save config on floppy, run “savecfg”. It command save on floppy /etc, /root, and /drweb.base directories. If in bootup you answer “Y” on question about restore config from floppy, this directories will be restored.

You can select bootup variants: load with only RAM use or load with use 128 Mb first partition HDD space. On first HDD you can have ext2 or vfat filesystem.

Cool Linux CD is part of the LINUX EMERGENCY CD project.
Linux Emergency CD is based on Gentoo Linux.

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