
Last Updated on: 1st June 2023, 11:51 pm

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Origin: Switzerland
Category: Specialist
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86_64
Based on: Ubuntu
Wikipedia (PL): CAELinux
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 2020 | August 9, 2020
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: CAELinux

CAELinux – a live DVD Linux distribution dedicated to open source engineering with a focus on Computer Aided Engineering and Scientific Computing.

Based on Ubuntu, it features a full software solution for open source production development with many CAD/CAM/CAE applications.

The live system features:
– CAD/CAM & 3D printing: Freecad, OpenSCAD, LibreCad, Pycam, OpenSCAM, GCAM, dxf2gcode & Cura
– FEA, CFD & multiphysic simulation: Code-Aster, Code-Saturne, OpenFOAM, Elmer FEM, Calculix, Impact FEM, MBDyn
– Meshing, pre-post, & visualization: Pre/post processing packages: Paraview 3.10.2, Discretizer, EnGrid 1.4, Helyx-OS, Elmer GUI, Netgen, Tetgen, CGX, GMSH v2.5, Salome v.6., Meshlab
– Electronic design and prototyping: GEDA suite, KiCad, Fritzing, Arduino, dxf2gcode / cadpy for PCB isolation milling.
– Scientific & development tools like GNU Octave (+ QtOctave GUI ), R & Rkward, Scilab, wxMaxima, Scipy & Spyder IDE, Qt Creator, gcc, gfortran, g++, python, perl, tcl/tk, ruby compilers
– Scientific writing and office tools: Latex, Texmaker, Lyx, LibreOffice, Gimp, Inkscape, Jabref

CAELinux 2013 is based on Xubuntu 12.04 LTS 64bit.
Available as an installable ISO image for DVD/USB flash drive; ready to use on laptop, workstations or even clusters (with OpenMPI).

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