
Last Updated on: 10th November 2023, 04:42 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: United Kingdom
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86
Based on: Ubuntu
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 20070524 | May 24, 2007

BabelDisc – an Ubuntu based Linux distribution for people who do not get any pleasure from working with computers. It is created Peter Dawe and is an Ubuntu-based “light” Linux distribution kit that runs from CD and does not require installation on a hard disk (via LiveCD).

The live CD includes Firefox, OpenOffice, Sylpheed (for e-mail), F-Spot (for viewing photos), Xine (for music and video) and Gaim (for instant messaging) and a few more applications for daily usage.

The BabelDisc CD also contains software to set up a “BabelBooster”–software installed on a USB hard drive to free up the PC’s CD drive and accelerate start-up and performance.

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