Last Updated on: 6th November 2023, 12:58 pm

Web site:
Origin: France
Category: Education
Desktop environment: JWM
Architecture: x86
Based on: Puppy Linux
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 300 | March 14, 2012

ASRI Edu – a GNU/Linux distribution forked from Puppy Linux for French-speaking children aged 3 to 12, teachers and Linux beginners.

Edutainment ASRI Edu, shaped by passionate teachers and volunteers, is a French-speaking project aimed at:
– in kindergartens and primary schools, as well as at the beginning of junior high school
– associations (holiday centers, out-of-school centers, etc.)
– adults (parents, grandparents, etc.)

ASRI Edu integrates a simple and user-friendly free environment suitable for children from 3 to 12 years old, teachers (institutes) and Linux beginners.

ASRI Edu is an adaptation of the Puppy Linux distribution, which is distinguished by its lightness and the ability to give new life to older computers.

In October 2010, Framasoft integrated ASRI Edu 2.1a into the FRAMADVD school.

ASRI was present at the RMLL conference in Strasbourg in July 2011.

Several teacher pages link to this resource: Tice Education, Grenoble Academy, Corsican Academy, ICEM – Pédagogie Freinet website.

In April 2013, this free edutainment distribution appeared in the news about Ordi 2.0.

In February 2017, the ASRI Edu Forum suddenly stops.

As of February 2018, is no longer available.

To suit the needs of users, the ASRI Edu distribution is offered in different versions:
– ASRI Edu Teachers: A lightweight version designed for teachers (institutes) and Linux beginners, it includes all the useful everyday features.
– ASRI Edu kids: In addition to the software already in the teacher’s version, the children’s version offers many fun or educational apps for children aged 3 to 12. Security is being strengthened to promote peace among adults. Together, themes allow you to adjust the visual environment and activities offered to the age of the user with one click.

Some examples of useful functions for everyday use:
– Office and Internet: AbiWord, Ayttm, Dillo, gFTP, Gnumeric, Grisbi, OOo4Kids, Osmo, SeaMonkey
– Graphics: Gimp, GQview, Inkscape, Mtpaint, MyPaint
– Multimedia: Audacity, Pmusic, Streamtuner, VLC, GNOME MPlayer, Gxine
– Miscellaneous: Geany, Isomaster, Jclic, Klavaro, Pburn, StarDict, Wine

Some examples of fun or educational applications: Block Dude, Brickshooter, Childsplay, Enigma, GCompris, Hex-a-hop, Jigsaw, part of Kdeedu, LBreakout2, LMarbles, EPI software, Matchball, Omnitux, Pingus, Pysycache, Ri-li, Shisensho , Sokoban, SuperTux, choice of Le Terrier (AbulÉdu), Tetris, TuxMath, Tux Paint, Tux Typing 2, Xbubble, Xmahjongg etc.

Many other applications are available in the software library.

The tutorial explains how to install them.

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