AMA Desktop Linux

Last Updated on: 20th May 2023, 03:32 pm

Web site:
Origin: Philippines
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Gnome
Architecture: x86
Based on: Ubuntu
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 2007-1.07 RC4 | December 4, 2007

AMA Desktop Linux – a Linux Distribution for AMA Computer University that aims to provide an interface that is comfortable to existing Microsoft Windows users.

Some of features present in the distribution:
– Welcome Center – aims to provide a brief introduction of the basics of AMA Desktop 2007.
– Personal Proxy Wizard – set up squid for personal proxy server, to make internet surfing faster.
– Windows Compatibility Tool – a tool to configure Wine and everything Windows related like NTFS and msttcorefonts.
– Consolidators – Those are the applications that consolidates all other applications into a single window. It aims to make the menus simple. (ie, File Sharing, Network Browsers and Tools, Encryption, Mobile Devices)
– File System Preferences – Make the root file system easy to navigate. This tool offers an option to hide all other directories in the root and provide a symbolic links for them.
– Desktop-Init – This provides the users with the default directories for AMA Desktop 2007, randomly choose a Face picture if it’s not available, and emblemize the default directories.
– Resource Manager – A tool that detects the system memory and disables some services via gconf if the memory is not met.
– Live Chat Support – An interface to create an account in Freenode and to communicate with other AMA Desktop 2007 users.
– Local Network Messenger – An interface that helps the user to create Bonjour IM service and provide an option to load them automatically upon boot.
– Draw Anywhere – An interface for gromit, that provides annotation capabilities even without Compiz. This is intended for presentations.
– Multicast Filesharing – An interface for udpcast, that sends files to multitude of computers within the network.

The latest version of AMA Desktop Linux 1.07 RC4 was based on Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn.

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