
Last Updated on: 3rd September 2023, 01:34 pm

Web site: zopix.org (not active)
Origin: Zopix
Category: Specialist
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86
Based on: Knoppix
Media: Live
The last version | Released: 0.5 (?) | February 2004

Zopix – ​​a Linux distribution, a remaster of Knoppix 3.3. It is a demo CD centered around the Zope application server. A selection of Zope products is presented, including Plone, CPS, Zwook, Zwiki, Fcforum.

Zopix has been designed to easily create a live CD with your own personalized Zope content. Changes compared to Knoppix 3.3: Open Office has been removed for reasons of space. When starting two Zope instances launch automatically: one for CPS, and one for the rest (this because CPS uses modified versions of Zope libraries).

Evolutions planned for the next versions:
– Study of different live-distro: Knoppix is ​​a good base but starting from a Knoppix-MIB or a Dynebolic or other remains under study.
– Zope product watch: study existing Zope products in order to integrate the best in Zopix.
– Possibly make a program with GUI to create your personalized Zope demo without using a command line

Zope products installed:
– Zope 2.6.2
– Plone 1.0.5
– CPS 2.1
– Zwook 0.99.4
– CMF Bibliography 0.2
– CMFForum 1.0
– CMF Photo 0.3
– COREBlog 0.52b
– Epoz 0.6.0
– External Editor 0.7.1
– fcForum 2.0.6
– Localizer 1.0.1
– Photo 1.2.3
– PloneChat 0.4
– PlonePopoll-1.0
– CookieCrumbler-1.1
– Squishdot 1.5.0
– ZopeZen 0.5
– ZWiki 0.24

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