
Last Updated on: 12th July 2023, 03:46 pm

Web site: tumix.softwarelibre.org.pe
Origin: Peru
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Slax
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 0.9 | June 15, 2005

TumiX – a GNU/Linux distribution available as a free software, which includes the Linux kernel 2.6.10 and is based on Slackware distribution (the first Linux distribution).

It features KDE desktop environment and a large amount of academic, office software, multimedia and networks.
The latest version is 0.9, released on June 15, 2005.

Tumix GNU/Linux is an initiative of the Peruvian Community of Free Software and is distributed under the General Public License.

TumiX GNU/Linux starts and runs from a CD, therefore you can use TumiX GNU/Linux from anywhere, at home, university, school, office. This interesting way of working allows users to use this distribution on computer in a transparent way and does not have to configure and install it, you just have to use it.

The last iso is not available to download.
There is a Japanese version of TumiX iso instead.

User name: root
password: somoslibres

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