
Last Updated on: 24th July 2024, 12:55 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: unknown
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Independent
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 2015.02 | February 2015

ttylinux – a very small Linux distribution based on a 2.6 kernel. For installation, it requires only 12 MB of disk space and 32 MB of RAM. Ttylinux provides a complete command line environment and is ready for Internet access. It has no GUI, but does have a text-mode web browser and ssh server.

The project was created in 2001 by Pascal Schmidt. The distribution was command-line only and specifically supported dial-up networking, PPP and ISDN, via serial interfaces. This orientation towards hard-wire serial interfaces lends itself to the “tty” part of the ttylinux name.

A significant result of the project goal, to make one of the smallest up-to-date Linux systems, is the ttylinux build system; it is very flexible and the simplicity of (re)configuring its Linux kernel and other packages makes it a very useful embedded or small Linux system development tool. The various bootable ttylinux architecture variants available for download are example distibutions created by the ttylinux build system.

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