
Last Updated on: 14th September 2023, 04:33 pm

Web site:
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: LXDE
Architecture: x86_64
Based on: Debian
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 071919 | July 19, 2019

RoninOS – the “Masterless Distro” based on Debian Bullseye/Sid, Linux Live Kit and the LXDE desktop. A Debian based Live distro that is able to be persistent off usb or hard drive, installable to hard drive in “frugal” mode or full install to hard drive or play live in either default or toram mode with/without persistence and without mounting or changing any hard drive partitions, etc and will run off a ntfs/fat32 or ext2/3/4 formatted partitions using Grub, Syslinux or Extlinux.

Goals – To be totally free to boot Live off various environments and computers without harming or changing anything on said systems (unless you want to), to have automatic persistency across reboots and boot to ram mode. Also, to be able to be installed manually in either frugal mode or true hard drive install mode as a Debian install.

Dual Kernel – RoninOS comes with not only the latest Buster/Sid kernel but also the latest Xanmod kernel, you may choose either at boot menu.

Networking – WICD may not pick up your ethernet/wireless so use Ceni available in the main menu/internet, note you may be auto connected at boot but WICD may not show it.

Cheatcodes – Since RoninOS is based off of and runs like Slax, cheatcodes such as persistence, toram and others like load=module_name or noload=module_name etc are possible, some cheatcodes no longer work. Cheatcodes for toram and persistence and possibly others can be combined, ie “slax.flags=perch,toram” will boot it persistent and toram. You may edit the boot codes at the boot screen by hitting TAB button if using syslinux/extlinux or e if using grub. You can also directly edit syslinux.cfg/grub.cfg during live session (as root).

Passwords are root=root and user live=live

The project founder is Bryan Starr.

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