Last Updated on: 7th September 2024, 10:19 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Microcomputers
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: Eclipse, Nova
Based on: Independent
Wikipedia: Data_General_RDOS
Media: Live
The last version | Released: 7.5 | 1986

RDOS (Real-time Disk Operating System) – a real-time operating system released in 1972 for the 16-bit Nova and Eclipse minicomputers from Data General. RDOS was multitasking, allowing up to 32 processes to run simultaneously with 64K words of memory.

A simplified version of RDOS without real-time mode is known as DG-DOS (Data General Diskette Operating System), another version of the system is called RTOS (Real-Time Operating System) and is designed for computers without external memory. RDOS for the microNOVA series of microcomputers was sometimes called DG/RDOS.

In the early 1980s, RDOS fell out of use and was replaced on Data General computers by the AOS family of operating systems, including AOS/VS and MP/AOS.

The open source disk operating system developed by Leif Ekblad for the i386 family of embedded platforms is also called RDOS. The first version of that RDOS was released in 2005 under GNU GPL License.

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