
Last Updated on: 1st June 2023, 06:59 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: South Africa
Category: Education
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Slackware
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 4.Z beta | September 8, 2006

OpenLab – a GNU/Linux distribution developed in South Africa, an organization that seeks to make a significant positive impact on education in Africa.

It is binary compatible with Slackware 10.2, it’s design goals are to create a system that is no harder for a desktop user to use than any other operating system on the market and where-ever possible easier.

OpenLab is a thin client-enabled Linux distribution based on Slackware Linux, and is designed with an educational focus. It features unique desktop themes for maximum user friendliness without sacrificing compatibility, integrated thin client support that requires no complex setup, the 2.6 series kernel for maximum desktop performance, many DireqLearn enhancements, a unique system administration interface, KDE, and Dropline GNOME.

The live CD was put together by Chief Software Architect, A.J. Venter for OpenLab International.
The codebase is derived but heavilly enhanced from the linux-live project.

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