
Last Updated on: 7th October 2023, 07:28 pm

Web site:
Origin: Germany
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: SLWM
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Tiny Core
Wikipedia: Nanolinux
Media: Live
The last version | Released: 1.3 | April 5, 2015
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Nanolinux

Nanolinux – a minimalistic Linux distribution based on Tiny Core. Nanolinux uses BusyBox, Nano-X (instead of X.Org), FLTK 1.3.x as the default GUI toolkit and the super lightweight SLWM window manager. Applications included in the system are mainly based on FLTK.

Nanolinux offers a set of light applications, such as:
– Dillo web browser
– FlWriter text processor
– Sprsht spreadsheet
– FLTDJ personal information manager
– AntiPaint graphics editor
– Fluff file manager
– NXterm terminal emulator
– Flcalc calculator
– FlView graphics viewer
– Fleditor text editor
– IRC FlChat client
– FlMusic audio player
– FlRadio Internet radio client
– disk mounting tool, system statistics and package installation
– games set: Tuxchess, Checkers, NXeyes, Mastermind, Sudoku and Blocks

Live CD requires an i486/x86_64 processor, 64 MB RAM and 14 MB of disk space.

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