Lightweight Portable Security

Last Updated on: 11th June 2023, 11:12 am

Web site: (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Security
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86
Based on: Thinstation
Wikipedia: Lightweight Portable Security
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 1.7.0 | July 20, 2016
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Lightweight Portable Security

Lightweight Portable Security – a Linux live distribution developed by the United States Department of Defense’s Software Protection Initiative that is designed to serve as a secure end node.

LPS runs in live mode and boots only in RAM, and supports DoD-approved Common Access Card (CAC) readers, as required for authenticating users on DoD networks. LPS is designed to run from read-only media and without any persistent storage. Any malware that might infect a computer can only run within that session.

It features a minimal set of applications such as Firefox web browser and an encryption wizard for encrypting and decrypting personal files, on the top of Xfce desktop environment.

LPS-Public is a safe, general-purpose solution for using web-based applications and accessing CAC and PIV-enabled web pages.
LPS-Public Deluxe includes the open-source LibreOffice software suite, and Adobe Reader.

Lightweight Portable Security has been re-named in 2017 to Trusted End Node Security (TENS).

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