Last Updated on: 21st October 2023, 04:23 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: unknown
Category: Specialist
Desktop environment: Cinnamon
Architecture: x86_64
Based on: Ubuntu
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released:

IRO OS – an Ubuntu based Linux distribution targeted to graphics designers. The live system features the Cinnamon desktop environment, which is easy to use even for those with no experience with Ubuntu or Linux in general. As the OS is created to be used by graphics makers, the most modern and powerful open source tools are already installed.

The live ISO features such applications preinstalled:

Inkscape: creation and processing of vector files
Scribus: professional editorial layout
Blender: modeling and rendering for 3D graphics
Darktable: RAW editor and professional photo development
MyPaint: digital painting
AzPainter: digital painting
Gimp: raster image manipulation

Video editing and 3D
Make Human: 3D modeling software for characters
KdenLive: video editing program developed for KDE
OpenShot: very easy to use video editing program
SynfigStudio: animation
SculptGL: sculpting software

Pc, media and utilities
Firefox: web browser
LibreOffice: Office software package
VlC: mediaplayer
Shotwell: image manager
Evince: PDF viewer
SimpleScreenRecorder: Record video from the desktop

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