Web site: github.com/xbmc/XBMCbuntu
Origin: world
Category: Multimedia
Desktop environment: XBMC
Architecture: x86
Based on: Ubuntu
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 13.0 | 2013
XBMCbuntu (previously: XBMC Live) – a live Linux distribution based on Lubuntu, and features the XMBC Media Center preinstalled as default.
After renamed XBMC Media Center to Kodi, the distribution planed to change its name to the new one.
Kodibuntu has two modes of operation – Standalone-mode and Desktop-mode.
In Standalone-mode, Kodibuntu acts like an appliance, making it easy to get Kodi up and running.
In Desktop-mode, you get a traditional desktop with easy access to other software, such as a web browser while still having Kodi only a few clicks away.
Kodibuntu gives you access to all the software available from the Ubuntu repositories You can easily install other software on it in addition to Kodi.