Symphony OS

symphony os

Web site: Origin: USA Category: Desktop Desktop environment: Mezzo Architecture: x86_64 Based on: Debian Wikipedia: Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 15.0 beta | February 01, 2015 Zobacz po polsku: Symphony OS Symphony OS – a Linux distribution which features its own lightweight desktop called “Mezzo”. Mezzo offers a new way of … Read more



Web site: Origin: Indonesia Category: Education Desktop environment: KDE Architecture: x86 Based on: Debian Wikipedia (id): Kuliax Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: 7.0 | August 23, 2010 Kuliax – a Debian GNU/Linux based distribution for higher education. It is a distribution for education in Universities, especially Program Studi Teknologi Informasi (TITANIUM) … Read more



Web site: Origin: Category: Desktop Desktop environment: Enlightenment Architecture: x86, x86_64 Based on: Debian Wikipedia: Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: 2 | June 27, 2014 n00bix – a Linux distribution built on the top of Debian with Enlightenment 17 desktop. n00bix uses a lightweight Enlightenment 17 window manager as its default … Read more



Web site: Origin: Category: Desktop Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86, x86_64 Based on: Nexenta OS Wikipedia: Media: Install CD The last version | Released: 1.0 | February 01, 2012 illumian – an open-source operating system that combines technologies from Nexenta OS, OpenIndiana and Debian GNU/Linux. illumian is a successor of a discontinued Nexenta OS … Read more



Web site: Origin: Category: Mini distribution Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86 Based on: Debian Wikipedia: Media: Live Floppy Image The last version | Released: 2.1r6 | April 12, 2000 Floppix – a very small subset of Debian/GNU Linux that fits on two 3.5″ 1.4Mb diskettes. Floppix was designed as a teaching tool, works entirely … Read more

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