Epidemic GNU/Linux

Last Updated on: 22nd June 2023, 07:25 pm

Web site: www.epidemiclinux.org
Origin: Brazil
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86_64
Based on: Debian
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 4.0 | September 10, 2012

Epidemic GNU/Linux – a Brazilian Linux distribution based on Debian GNU/Linux, and targeted to home users.

Epidemic features the KDE desktop environment, pre-installed 3D desktop features via CompizFusion, proprietary and non-free kernel drivers, and multimedia codecs.
It comes with set of popular applications such as: Iceweasel, Rekonq, Konqueror web browsers, VLC, LibreOffice, KTorrent, Akregator, Kopete, Konversation, Amarok, K3b, JuK, Dragon Player, etc.

Epidemic Linux has a unique Graphic Installer which lets users installing the live system onto a hard drive in about 10 minutes.

Up to version 3.x, Epidemic was available for 32 bit machines.
The latest version 4 is targeted to amd64 based CPUs, and is built using packages of Debian testing “Wheezy”.

Epidemic is created by James Benedito de Oliveira.

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