
Last Updated on: 10th November 2023, 04:59 pm

Web site:
Origin: world
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86
Based on: Storm microkernel
Media: Live
The last version | Released: 0.3.0 | August 31, 2019

chaOS – a cleanroom implementation of an OS based on a Storm microkernel. It is an operating system for x86, written mostly in C with minor parts in assembly language.

Some of the major features supported by chaos are:
– Protected mode & virtual memory initialization
– Process creation
– Thread creation
– Interrupt handling (including redirecting interrupts to user-level threads)
– PCI support
– Text-based VGA output
– A simple IPv4 stack (supporting UDP, ARP and ICMP.)

There are a number of issues with the codebase which made us start the development of the new stormG3 kernel (which would replace the existing storm “G1” kernel.) There was also a stormG2 project being undertaken but it was abandoned before being completed).

The most critical issue with stormG1 is that the kernel leaks memory; the number of free pages decrease gradually over time. Because of this and the general feeling that the system would benefit from a major refactoring the storm G3 project was initiated, where we attempted to Do Things Right™ to a greater point than had been earlier done. Like many hobby/spare-time projects, the project was never finished and storm G3 is therefore currently in a very unfinished state. Nonetheless, feel free to check it out if you like.

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